Occupational Health Mental Health Awareness - Level 1 & 2

Mental Health is a challenge that each employer needs to be ready to tackle, support your workforce and increase productivity

Mental Health Awareness Course

In this Mental Health Awareness course, we aim to enhance your understanding of common mental health conditions, including how or when it might suffer, and what you can do about it.

We show you practices to regularly evaluate your own mental state, which will help you take positive steps to keep yourself well. We also explain what you can do to help yourself and others if you think there is a problem, including how to commence conversations about mental health, and where to go for additional support. With 1 in 5 of us suffering in silence, it is important that we are equipped with knowledge and strategies to help us actively manage our mental health.

This course has been written to include all industries and professions with information on the responsibilities and duties of all employers and employees. 



Email: admin@meduc8.co.uk

Number: 01455245740